"Tecnologías para la detección y comunicación en redes 6G"
Elisa Rojas received her Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technologies engineering from the University of Alcala, Spain, in 2013. During her PhD, she participated in several international collaborations with the University of Cambridge (UK), NEC Labs (Germany) and Fujitsu Labs (Japan). As a postdoc, she worked in IMDEA Networks and, later on, as CTO of Telcaria Ideas S.L., an SME dedicated to both research and development of virtualized network services. During these years, she was involved in the writing and development of several FP7 and H2020 projects, including FP7-NetIDE, in which she acted as principal investigator. She also prepared and participated as expert researcher in the Master degree in NFV and SDN for 5G Networks of the University of Carlos III. In 2017, she returned to the University of Alcala, where she currently works as an Associate Professor and collaborates with international researchers in the field, from countries such as Brazil, USA or Bangladesh.
Research projects I have led as PI:
GoogleScholar GoogleScholar (Elisa Rojas)
For detailed info, please check my GoogleScholar GoogleScholar (Elisa Rojas)
For detailed info, please check my GoogleScholar GoogleScholar (Elisa Rojas)
2021 P201931036: Procedimiento de descubrimiento de caminos múltiples disjuntos en un paso y nodo de red.
2021 P201900043: Sistema y procedimiento de señalización y regulación de tráfico para rotondas.
2015 P201331139: Procedimiento de reparación agrupada de caminos en fallo y puente de red.
2012 P201100516: Procedimiento de reparación de caminos de tramas de datos y puente de red.
2012 WO2012152969A1: Method for repairing data frame routes and network bridge.
I'm currently working as an Associate Professor at University of Alcalá, but have also worked for 5 years as a Primary School Teacher in the PEAC program of Comunidad de Madrid and as a trainer for Secondary Teachers in CRIF "Las Acacias" of Comunidad de Madrid.
Theatre, photography, dancing... what else? :)
Citroën contest (I won a Citroën contest in 2010! Can you see me? :)) UAH - Nota de prensa (23/03/2010)